Volunteer & Third Party Training
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© Brisbane Catholic Education, (2025)
"A volunteer is anyone who willingly works or ministers for free under the approval and direction of the school or BCE offices under an established agreement." Volunteers who are parents do not currently require a blue card. Other volunteers, such as grandparents, do. To volunteer at our school, volunteers must complete the online Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) volunteer training. - The form must be printed when completed and returned to the school.
- Volunteers need to view the First Response Training PowerPoint and then complete the First Response Assessment and return to the school.
- Volunteers should also familiarise themselves with the Statement of Responsibilities for the role(s) for which they are volunteering.
Each year, volunteers are required to: If you are not a parent at St Joseph’s School and require access to these documents, please contact the school.
- Volunteer Training
- First Response Training
- First Response Assessment Volunteer HWS Induction Form
- Statement of Responsibilities
Third Parties
Each year, specific Third Parties are required to: - Complete the Third Party Training (click here for link to online module)
Temporarily unavailable - Read the Third Party Safeguarding Requirements
- Complete a Third Party Registration and Declaration Form (accessed at the end of the training)
- Print and share the Third Party Registration and Declaration Form with each school or office you engage with.