© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School (2024)
Reporting is an important and integral part of teaching and learning.. Parents are offered many and varied opportunities throughout the year to receive updated information and discuss their child’s progress. Parent/teacher Information Evenings, school and class newsletters, parent/teacher interviews, interim reports, viewing and discussion of folios of student work and formal report cards are some of the ways in which staff endeavour to keep parents informed and to support the home and school working in partnership to foster each child’s development.
Parent Information Night
At the beginning of each year this night is held to provide an overview of the year. It provides an opportunity for teachers to express their expectations within the classroom, share with parents an outline of work to be covered for the year. Homework, excursions, bookwork and parent assistance are also addressed at these meetings.
Student Portfolios Throughout each term samples of children’s work are collected. and are available to parents as part of the reporting process
Written Reports
At the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2, a report is issued and delivered via on the Parent Portal.
Parent Teacher Interviews
At the end of Term 1, teachers arrange interviews with parents to gather information about the child and to share some information about the child’s social progress. At the end of Term 2 teachers are available for interviews with parents who wish to discuss children’s progress. Teachers may also request these interviews.
Outside Indicators
NAPLAN testing in Years 3 & 5is carried out to assist in presenting detailed information on individual children’s performances in Literacy and Numeracy. ACER PAT Maths Plus and PAT Reading Comprehension online assessments are conducted during Term 4 with all students in Years 1 – 6. |